Thursday, October 13, 2005

Random Thoughts #14

Laci Peterson
Okay so I logged on to myspace to start doing a little Internet whoring and I see a picture of Laci Peterson under the Cool New People section. So I clicked on her picture and some idiot decided to start a myspace tribute to Laci and some 547 people had joined on as friends. Am I the only person who believes that this is very wrong??? However, the webpage did have this disclaimer:
THIS PAGE WAS MADE IN MEMORY OF LACI AND CONNOR PETERSON... not for fun or humor...just to remember them...soo people can stop messaging me telling me im sick..k thanks

I Would Die For You
So I am riding Bart today and I’m sitting next to this extremely unattractive guy and I reading Entertainment Weekly and minding my own business. At the Berkeley stop this guy enters and he has one of those new Ipods (the little device I’m to cheap to buy but desperately want). He sits two seats away from me and then the fun began. I don’t know if this guy knew how loud he was singing but believe me it was pretty fucking loud. He did not appear to be crazy and it looked as if he was on his way to work. Anywho, 10 seconds after the Bart started moving he began to sing Bette Midlers “Wind Beneath My Wings.” Now don’t get me wrong I love Bette Midler and I have to admit that I have a few of her CD’s! Yeah, yeah I’m a big flaming homo we already knew this; geez you bitches are soooooo judgmental! So here is Mr. Man singing and loudly at that.
Flllllllllyyyyyy, flllllllllyyyyyyyy
So high in the sky
I almost touched the clouds
Ooohhhhh you, you are the wind beneath my wings
Did you ever you that you’re my HEEEEEEEROOOOOOOO?
AND ev’ry I would like to BEEEEEEEEEE
As you would expect everyone was sort of startled and was wondering what the hell was wrong with this guy. But then after singing Bette Midler he quiets down and everyone was free to relax. But out of nowhere this guy lets out a loud squill and begins to sing Prince’s “I would die for you.” But this song was not as enjoyable whereas Mr. Man knew all the words to “Wind beneath my wings” he knew almost none of the word from “I would die for you.” His rendition of this song made famous by Mr. Purple Velvet himself went a little something like this:
I would die for you
Nune wanna ask to fo you
I could die for you
Yeah huh unnn huh woooooo!
During the parts of the song that had actual lyrics he would hymn, snaps his fingers and whoot and holler…Good times!

I Believe the Children Are The Future
No one said this better than Whitney Houston pre-bobby brown. I used to think that children were horrible little monsters created to annoy the shit out of me. But I have seen the error of my ways and I think I want to become a schoolteacher. I was riding Bart this morning and after the man who gave us a full on concert exited the Bart and class of children on a field trip entered. I immediately gave up me seat so that some of the children could rest their little feet. Side note: this was a class of 27 kids and me and only one other person gave up their seat for the children. I hate people and I wish bad things on everybody who stayed seated. Anywho, as I was standing up I looked around and show nothing but bright eyed beautiful children eager to learn and excited about their little field trip. It was the cutest thing ever and I was reminded of when I was child and I didn’t have a care in the world. That brief moment in time when you are allowed to be carefree, irresponsible and your only job is to learn and have fun. As I looked into those young eager eyes I thought to myself what if I became a teacher? What if I active tried to make this world or country a better place? Not be volunteering or giving monetary donations but by encouraging future generous of children how to be respectful of others and their differences. I already passed the CBEST so legally I could become a substitute teacher but I want to do more! Wow who knew such enlightenment could come from riding the Bart? My real question is how many of you would allow me to teach your children???? LOL!
Good morning class
Good morning Miss De’Aunta
Today we’re going to discuss fashion, accessories, and the love that dares not speak its name!

You Got Deleted, Biotch!
So since I’ve been on myspace I have amassed a decent amount of “friends” on this god-forsaken site. But sometimes I get really crazy and I feel the need to delete people from my life. It’s weird because even thought I love making people laugh and writing my little comments I sometimes feel like I am being taking advantage of. I don’t like knowing that someone is reading my postings and I don’t really know whom the hell they are. A couple of friends of friends requested my friendship and I accepted but after a while we never had any myspace interaction and I felt the need to remove those people. So that’s exactly what I did I deleted “friends” from my list. Now I don’t know if myspace sends you a message saying such and such hates your guts and deleted you. But I got a really rude email from a guy I barely know saying was pissed off that I deleted him and did not inform him first. At first I felt bad but then I realized I don’t even know this guy and after all this is only myspace. Get it together people.

So Tyra and the judges voted off the fat girl last night and it wasn’t really a shocker. The fat girl never makes it and I don’t know why they even put them on the show to begin with. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against people who weigh any amount. For the most part I don’t give a fuck what you weigh as long as my stomach is flat that’s all that really matters to me. But I am disappointed that the lesbian is still on the show. She makes me violent; she fills me with murderous rage! Why is she here? If she uses the word masculinity one more fucking time I swear I’m gonna track her mannish ass down and do something really feminine to her. I don’t hate lesbians, hell I think I am a lesbian…hmmm how would that work? But I hate Kim the ANTM Lesbian!

Are You The Swan
So I have direct TV and there is a new all reality TV station that I am in love with. No, you guys I am serious in love with this TV station I tried to make out with it last nite but I totally got shot down! Anywho, my favorite show on this station is The Swan! The Swan is this show where they take hideous woman with super low self-esteem, give them every form of plastic surgery known to man, and then have them compete in a pageant. This is what TV was meant to be! Last night one woman got a brow lift, nose job, cheek implants, chemical peel, full body lippo including chin, flanks, arms, stomach, butt, and calves. She also got tummy tuck, a breast lift, breast implants, zoom teeth whitening and 12 porcelain veneers. It took her 90 days to recover and after all that she was not picked to be one of the women who would compete in the pageant. Let me repeat that she got over 16 medical procedures done and still was not pretty enough to compete in the pageant! Do you understand how fucked up you have to look to undergo that much surgery and still not make the cut? She would have been better of having an exorcism performed and having the priest transfer her soul into another woman.


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