Monday, September 26, 2005

Poker Anyone???

Okay so I’m in a pissy mood but I wanted to get this story off my chest. Some stupid bitch sent me an email about correcting grammar or using spell-check. Let me say that I usually write these postings off the top of my head and I could re-read, make corrections, and spell-check but I don’t because I choose not to. If you can’t handle errors and there are many because I write these things at work, I say stop reading my blog! Geez, I’m really pissed off today!

So let me tell you how short-lived "relationship" with my new friend ended this weekend. Okay so I get haircut every Friday and last Friday was no exception. Once I get my haircut I feel uber attractive and there is nothing negative anyone can say about me, well as far as I am concerned…hello conceited! Anywho, my roomie had just got a new car and he wanted to go show it off later that night. The gurly boys are very materialistic and very jealous so my rommie had his heart set on going out. So later that nite we go out and there is no one attractive at the club we went to and I was already in a bad mood. I think it is my time of the month because lately I’ve been an evil bitch! Anywho, I went inside the club and then I see my ex-boyfriend with his boyfriend and I was less than excited to see his sorry ass. We gave each other a fake hello and then I decided to go home and masturbate.

On the way home my new friend called and asked me what I was up to. I told him about the club and that I was on my home. He made some vague comments about wanting to come over to my house and I told him if there was something he wanted he would need to be aggressive because I was in no mood to pussyfoot around. He said that he wanted to come over and kick it with me (remind you it was 12:39 when we had this conversation). I told him that he could come over but only if he brought some snacks, my Mama didn’t raise no fool! So I get home and I’m running around trying to straightening up my room because we all know a man likes a woman who keep a clean house.

So Mr. Man arrives at my house at 1:47am and I was super excited because I was starving! So we go to my room and we eating on my bed but I could tell he was uncomfortable. I asked him what was the matter and he said that nothing was wrong and I left it at that. So over the years I have become more comfortable with my body and I hate to wear clothes. I’m like 3 years away from becoming a nudist! So I get under the covers and I take off my pants but I still have on a wife-beater and boxer-briefs. I noticed that Mr. Man was on the other side of my bed and I got really irritated for some reason. I told him to take off his shoes and jacket and make himself comfortable. He did what he was told and then got under the covers with me. We begin to cuddle and then I started to fall asleep. Mr. Man scoots back and then replies that I am moving to fast and we need to take things slow. I asked him what the fuck he was talking about? I told him that I had no plans to fuck him nor was I in the mood to give or receive a blowjob. I explained that I simply wanted someone to cuddle with and that he would be lucky to get anything more than that.

Mr. Man explained that he thought I was being too aggressive and that things would happen naturally. I responded and told him that I was not being aggressive, I elaborated and told him aggressive for me would be throwing him on the bed, stripping him naked and giving him the best sex he ever had. He then went on to say that all he wanted to do was to play some poker with me and then pulled out a deck of fucking playing cards. That’s right people, he pulled a deck of cards from his fucking pants pocket. The only thing I could do was laugh because he was out of his fucking mind if he thought I was going to play poker at 3am in the morning or at any other time for that matter. So everything is silent and I told him to go to sleep or leave, at that point I didn’t care either way. So I scoot back and then I feel knuckles on my ass I turn around and he’s covering his crotch with hands. I was puzzled by his bizarre behavior and asked him what the fuck was wrong with him. He replied that he was getting butterflies in his stomach and sexually aroused because he found me very attractive. Once again I told him to take his ass to sleep. Unfortunately, he did just that and it was not a pretty situation for me. Mr. Man snores like no other and to top it off he farts in his fucking sleep.

Finally, he woke up because it was time for Him to go to work and I was fucking ecstatic! I didn’t see him to the door or anything I was just happy that now I could get some sleep with smelling his gassy ass. I saw him out last night at the club but I think I pissed him off. He offered to buy me a drink but I couldn’t decide if I wanted a drink since I was driving, he got pissed off and walked away; as if I gave a fuck. He spent the rest of the night staring at me and trying to make me jealous. He ended the night by getting cozy with my ex. ahhhh boys never fail to amazed me with their childish antics. When I got home I deleted his number along with some other men who are no good for me and that was that. I’ve decided to start off fresh and leave all the men I am currently talking to alone. I would say something stupid like "that’s what I get for trying something new" but actually I’m glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and will continue to do so.


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