Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Book...

So I have amassed 110 postings on my blog and I am now in the process of reworking many of my postings and blogs for my book I would like to publish. At the moment I am trying to fit all of my writings into various categories, which would help guide me through piecing this book together. Obviously this book is a collection of stories about my life with a humorous twist and I for the most part am a caricature of the “real” De’Aunta. My book wouldn’t really have chapters but a serious of stories or observations broken into concepts or life situations.

The process of writing these stories or life situations, as I like to call them has taken on many forms and medium. I started off by relaying information to my family and friends via yahoo email. As time went on I learned about blogs and launched my very own blog webpage in mid-May. This was the first time that I realized that I actually had an audience who was really interested in my life and its many downfalls and moments of insanity. In July I joined Myspace.com and immediately took fancy to their bulletin feature. It was through this feature that my Random Thoughts series was born. It was also at this time that people started to really take notice of my postings and suggest that I feature them in some form of written medium.
I still can’t believe that anyone would actually be interested in what I have to say. However, a while ago I made the observation that it was my honesty and my willingness to make fun of myself, which are what really attracted people to my postings. Furthermore, I believe that the life that I live is so different from the straight life or normality that the majority of my friends live that draws them into my postings. Plus it’s always more interesting to view life from someone else’s perspective. Anywho, in the next couple of weeks I’ll start doing research and contacting various publishers to see what the actual process for publishing my book. The title of my first book will be “Meet De’Aunta and my adventures as a gay black man” or “Meet De’Aunta and my life as a gay black man” I can't decided which one I like better but I sure answer will come in time. Until then I will continue to write about my life and I hope you all will join me on my journey to get this book published.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Lady_Sings_tha_blues said...

I love daily affirmations I check your site out soon.

PS. I hope this is a real person and not a computer soliciting emails!


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