Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Summer 2005 Get to know me!

Welcome to the Summer 2005 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire bulletin and paste it onto a new bulletin that you'll send. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to a whole bunch of people including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already!

A friend sent this to me and I thought it might be interesting for you (my readers) to get better insight on me.

1). What time do you get up? about 8:17am or 8:30am

2) What is you favorite number? 81 the year I was born, baby

3). Gold/silver? Fuck that. I’m materialistic give me platinum or give me somebody I can screw and they’ll get it for me!!!

4). What was the last film you saw at the cinema? at the CINEMA? pretentious as fuck. Red Eye which I thought was a really good movie. There’s actually a plot and more to the movie then being trapped on a plane. Plus I got felt up during the movie so the nite wasn’t a total waste.

5). What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?I still can’t get over last seasons The Real World in Philly…the black guy (kuramo) is fuckin’ hot. I’m gonna find him, make him my lover and then I’ll invite you guys to our commitment ceremony…I’ll be the goodlooking queen wearing the Vera Wong Dress. Just Kidding I haven’t dressed in drag since halloween of freshmen year, when I was scary spice and believe me it was scary. I also watch queer eye, Law and Order: SUV, cheerleading competitions, southpark, Being Bobby Brown, Kathy Griffin: The D-list,
America’s Next Top Model, and of course Will and Grace, you silly gooses.

6). What did you have for breakfast?Granola bars and juice and yogurt…sometimes I have Oatmeal.

7). Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? most people, little kids, closed minded people or worst, people with NO fashion sense.

8). What inspires you? damn near anything.

9). What is your middle name?De’Shaun its sassy just like me

10). Beach, City or Country?I need to live in the city…cute guys + shopping + bars = one happy gay black dude!!! Or would it be gurly man???

11). Favorite ice cream?dreyers tropical rainbow sherbert…its like an orgasm in your mouth…think about it

12). Butter, plain or salted popcorn?kettle korn

13). Favorite color?I look really good in yellow and blue

14). What kind of car do you drive?A silver 2004 Jeep Liberty named Josephina. She really sassy and doesn’t take a lot of shit! Plus she has huge backseat but I’ve yet to try it out!

15). Favorite sandwich?quizno’s honeymustard chicken sandwich…chicken, yum!

16). What characteristic do you despise?Lack of self control, no sense of fashion, and closed mindedness

17). Favorite flowers?sun flowers rock my world. I’ll probably incorporate them into my commitment ceremony. It will be a nice addition to the slutty dresses my bridesmaid and bridesmen will be wearing (j/k).

18). Where would you go on vacation?Hawaii or any other place with hot gay men…does it seem like I’M BOY-KRAZY???

19). What color is your bathroom? My roomie and I were feeling festive last month so we changed our bathroom color scheme to various shades of green, yellow and blue. 20). Favorite brand of clothing? Any designer label will due….again I’m materialistic21). Where would you retire? NY

22). Favorite day of the week? Sunday. I usually sleep in, go to church and then drive to my Mom’s house for dinner and to gossip!

23). What did you do for your last birthday?
I went to BLACKOUT this gay circuit party for black people and shook my money maker all nite. However, turning 24 sucks my taint and I don’t think I’m ready to turn 25 next year. I probably shouldn’t have told you my age being that a lady never reveals that info…LOL

24).Where were you born? San Pablo, california

25). Favorite sport to watch?

26). Who do you least expect to send this back to you?Probably one of the random douche bags I have saved as a "friend" on this fucking site!

27). Person you expect to send it back first?I dunno. Yo mama?

28). What fabric detergent do you use?I have killer allergies. So I use unscented any type of detergent….this is a really stupid question.

29). Coke or Pepsi?neither

30). Are you a morning person or a night owl?Nite owl its when I do most of my trampin’ or most of my gossipin’ on the phone

31). What is your shoe size?10. . .

32). Do you have any pets?these new pair of jeans that make my ass look freakin’ hot!

33). What is your favorite season?the summer! de’aunta/half naked + hot guys/half naked = goodtimes

34). What time is it?time to buy a watch biotch

35). Name as it appears on birth certificate?De’Aunta De’Shaun Richmond

36). Nicknames?D or Tay

37). Number of candles on your last birthday cake?I haven’t a b-day cake in years

38). Kids?too much of a sacrifice to think about at the moment…maybe when I’m in 5 to 7 years!

39). Hair color?black

40). Tattoos?just 1…soon to be more.

41). Eyes?brown

42). Piercing?nope

43). Residence?El Cerrito, I live with my roommate and we’re in the process of create our 2 man cabaret act called "The Apartment Spectacular" If you’re lucky I’ll invite you over to see it!

44). Favorite Food?spaghetti.

45). Been to Africa?No, but I do want to hit up Egypt. I’m definitely gonna go to the motherland.

46). Been toilet papering?Not since I TP’d the ADPi house sophomore year of college.

47). Have you ever been in love?Yes and love also sucks my taint

48). Been in a car accident?yea. Car accidents fuckin suck my ass

49). Croutons or bacon bits?neither. I try not to eat healthy food

50). Favorite saying or phrase?SHUT UP!, I’m over it, you’re over it, anywho, bullshit…I’m a classy lady

51). Favorite restaurant?chevy’s, the cheesecake factory, the oliver garden and best burritos…the Mexican guy who works there cant speak English but I know he wants the mega-booty

52). Favorite nonalcoholic drink?
"NO SUCH THING…This question goes against everything I hold sacred and dear to my heart"
-Karen Walker (will & grace)

53.) Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?Shenesha, she’s a krazy whore! Whore I say! You’re a whore! Lol!

54.) Do you sing in the shower?Depends on who I’m in the shower with (j/k). I don’t usually sing the shower.

55.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Barney’s NY in New York

56.) What do you do most when you are bored? listening to music or go to sleep or masturbate!

57). What is your bedtime? anywhere from 7pm to midnite. It depends on how tired I am.

58). Is your glass half empty or half full?its depends on what the drink is. If it’s a long island than the glass is empty!!! But if it milk than its full…I’m lactose intolerant

59) If you could live anywhere where would it be?NY or Atlanta home of goodlooking black men!!!

60) Time you finished this e-mail?10:18am. I had to take a break to curse out this bitch who had a nasty attitude on the phone.


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