Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Summer Time Fun

Thank God it is summer. This used to be my favorite time of the year. For me summer was when I did not have to think about school, term papers, or anything else for that matter. In Chico, which is where I graduated from college summer meant one thing, lets get fucked up. That’s right. Its always really fucking hot in Chico so what better thing to do to beat the heat then to go tubing down the Sacramento River while blacked out from chugging too many Vodka Cranberry drinks. Or you could have a day party. Buy 2 kegs, a couple of handles of vodka with mixers, a slip and slide, cards/dominos, radio, add friends and you have one hell of a party.

My most memorable summer event was the infamous drink-o-ton in summer of 2002 aka Luau. My fraternity decided that we would have a Luau in the back yard of our frat house and it was one hell of a party. We trucked in sand, built a man made slip and slide that began at the front of our house and ended in a giant man made pool in our backyard. We had kegs, leis, music, half naked frat guys and sorority girls, tequila, vodka, and beer bongs, which are a funnel with a giant tube, attached to it. You can drink like 2 whole beers in like 10 seconds, which get you extremely fucked up. And no Greek party would be complete without lots of drama.

Let’s talk about drama. 3 or 4 of my fraternity bros broke up with their girlfriends at the Luau. Some of these couples still are not speaking to each other to this day! 1 of my frat bros went to jail on false assault charges. Various hook ups incurred which I dare not mention online. A then you have me. I have this one fraternity named Rudy and whenever Rudy and I drink together you can be sure that at least one of us will get into some kind of trouble.

There was Champagne Cocktail in Spring 2001 where Rudy and I chugged giant $6 bottles of champagne. Rudy had a nervous breakdown and curled up in a ball and cried. I puked and urinated on my frat bro Shaun’s bedroom floor. Later that night I ran 10 blocks in the rain wearing only boxers and dress socks to the dorm where I was a Resident Advisor for unknown reasons. There was the Alpha Delta Pi sorority Italian Wedding where Rudy and me got so drunk we spent half the night in the bathroom with Rudy puking in the toilet while I puked in the bathtub. And lets not forget Rudy’s 22nd birthday, which was called Phenom-Fest where I woke up half naked with a blond in my bed the next morning. I still say that I have been vagina free for 24 years, but who knows if that is true…I can’t really member.

But at the Luau something more shameful happened. I got so drunk that I began to body shame various people into the pool for absolutely no reason. I tried to fight anyone who was in my opinion not fucked up enough and was being a pussy. I challenged multiple people to beer bong races. All of this madness resulted in me puking so much that I popped a blood vessel in my right eye and it filled with blood. I know it’s shameful and gross. What’s worst was that it lasted for 1 month and I had to walk around school with this funky looking eye. My frat coined the term the evil eye and it has stuck even to this day. I have millions of summer drunken madness stories, I only wish I wasn’t blacked out most of time so I could tell them.


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