Thursday, June 30, 2005

Barber Shop Love

It’s amazing how much you can learn while in the Barber Shop. The same guy has been cutting my hair since I was in the seventh grade. I look forward to getting my hair done every Friday. I view the Barber Shop as my last outlet to the world of straight black men. Especially sense most of my friends these days are female or gay. The Barber Shop is where I find out what’s going on in the ghetto, who’s sleeping with who, street fashion trends, and multitude other information. I can remember being a little boy and seeing well dressed me come into the shop. I can remember wanting to be just like them. There is something about having a fresh haircut that gives you a sense of pride. I have notice that men with fresh haircuts tend carry themselves with more respect and dignity. You can see single mothers often use barbers as a form of male discipline. You often hear a single mother tell the barber about her son’s recent wrong doings and wait for the inevitable scalding to ensue. Local entrepreneurs can be found near Barber Shops trying to sales the merchandise. You feel a sense brotherhood as everyone comes together to tell funny stories and joke around and laugh at one another as if we were longtime friends. If you are lucky some of the elders will give insight to life in the Bay Area way back when while comparing the difference of the crazy world today. I truly enjoy my weekly visits to the barber Shop.


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