Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I enjoy moment of peace and quiet. The kind of quiet that occurs when you are left alone to be with your thoughts. Sometimes I feel like everything and everyone around me is moving way too fast. It is at those times I try to remove myself and think about what is important to me. I try to focus on the important aspects of life and leave the fuller behind. In almost every aspect of my life in tend to be aggressive. I take on everything and everyone head on no matter the situation. I wish I could be more passive in certain situations in my life but that is just not who I am. It is at these moments in my life that I try to “reinvent” myself. I believe this is an important aspect of life; well at least it is for me. I believe that everything and everyone must evolve into something greater than they once were. I am not talking about plastic surgery or anything as dramatic as that. When I “reinvent” myself I am looking to make improvements in my quality of life. This could be something as simple as not drinking alcohol for a while or dramatic as changing a job or leaving your place of residence. I use these transformations to better myself and at the moment I feel that I really need to make some changes in my life. I For the most part I am content with my life. Which for me is a sign that I need to make some changes. To me being content is just like saying I don’t give a fuck anymore. I have yet to decide what areas in my life I will aim to improve but I guessing it will probably physically and mentally. When I was in school I would workout 3 to 4 times a week and I read everyday. I neither workout nor read on a daily basis and this is unacceptable.


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