Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Random Thoughts 32

I Cant Go On!!!
For those of you who dont know Will & Grace aka the best show ever aka my reason for living will be having their series finale next Thursday, May 18th and I dont know what I am going to do with myself!

I know its sounds sad but I really look forward to seeing what crazy shananagans Will, Grace, Karen and Jack are going to get into each week. First Friends went off the air, then Sex in the City, and now Will and Grace. I am really sad about this situation. I have that awful feeling that you get in your stomach when you know will never see your friend again or at least not that often. Think back to college graduation when it sunk in that your life would never be the same and you would never see your friends as often. Next Thursday I am going to dress in funeral attire and mourn the loss of a good television series.

Geez, I need to get a fucking boyfriend or hobby and quick! I cant believe I actually just wrote this crock of bullshit! Life goes on and so will I.

Someone Send Fate The Temo
I dont know about anybody else but I think I am living the wrong life! Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would actually have to work five days a week to make a living. I always assumed that I would be famous and that the world would know who I am. I never thought much about how I would become famous, I kinda sorta just thought it would happen.
Look at me! This is not the face of a man who is working class. I should be on the news like Paris Hilton with people making rude comments about how big of a whore I am. Theres should be pictures floating around on the internet with me wearing over-sized sun-glasses and pushing a paparazzi camera out of my face. You should be able to google me and find access to one of my many sex-tapes starring various black celebrates (the list would be a whose who of the entertainment world).

But instead I am here at work writing my fucking random thoughts! Well fate if you thought you had gotten the best of DeAunta Richmond think again you son of a bitch. Look at my new picture I am sexin my frame up people. I now plan to be the gay black Jenna Jamison of the porn and stripping world. I mean I like to be naked. I live to dance. I am flexible. I enjoy sex. If you add it all up it makes me more then qualified to be successful! Lol!!!
Or maybe Ill continue my never ending search for a sugar-daddy!!!

Laundry Room Battle Royale
Okay, so the other day when I got home from work there was a note on my door which read "be ware someone is taking peoples clothes out the dryer and drying their clothes for freehow low is that!?!" Apparently, this had been going on for sometime and a few of my neighbors were just extremely pissed off by this situation.

Anywho, yesterday when I got home from work I heard a loud reckous coming from the laundry room which is three door down from my apartment. When I arrived at the laundry I saw the site manager and my neighbor in a cat fight extraordinare! My neighbor had the site manager in a head lock and was beating her with a shoe. The site manager had my neighbors arm twisted back and was pulling her hair.

I stood there and watched in disbelief. After a few minutes more neighbors came to watch the fiasco play out and finally my ghetto neighbor Shaunte asked "why you fightn?" My neighbor responded that it was the site manager who had been taking peoples clothes out the dryer. Shaunte proceeded to poor fabric softer on the site manager. It was at the point I realized I was missing the Iron Chef: America on the Food Network and I left to the two women to fight!

The Material Girl and I Will Soon Meet Face 2 Face
So at the end of this month I will be going to see Madonna in concert and I cannot express in words how unbelieveably excited I am to see this bitch in action. I love Madonna and I have waited my entire life to see her and I cannot wait to for this month to end!

Madonna has this whole 80s vibe going and my friends and I have decided to dress accordingly. My inspiration is Leroy from fame and I believe Leroy would be proud to see me shaking my ghetto booty at the concert. Okay, so I dont know if I have the balls to wear this outfit but it is the gayest thing you have ever saw!

My outfit consist of hot pink/light blue/yellow booty shorts, light blue mid-drift sweater that will be worn off the shoulders, hot pink leg-warmers, and a yellow head-band. I remains to be seen if I will actually wear this outfit because will ummmmm yeah!

To Cool For The Pool
So to get to my apartment I usually walk past the pool rather than to go through the lobby and take the elevator. So since the weather is hot, there is now this group of young teenaged girls who hang around the pool and do the homework and I pass them on a daily basis.

I am assuming these girls have no gaydar because whenever I walk past they giggle and they pass notes. I even heard they say "hes soooo cute!" So once I discovered that I had a fan club I decided that I would have a little fun. I would walk past the pool with no shirt on or I would stand there and talk on the phone in a deep manly voice, unlike the one voice the Lord blessed me with (how lame am I?)

Anywho, I decided to wear my sunglasses to work because I have a 15 minute work and the sun had been killing my eyes. The only problem is that my shades makes everything appear to be closer than it actually is. So yesterday I am walking past my fan club and I see a puddle of water. Being that I danced and I knew the girls were watching I decided to do a jete or a leap across the puddle (side note: only a gay dancer who is trying to flirt with girls would think that doing a leap across a puddle would be sexy, fucking ridiculous) Anywho, I did my leap which was fan-fucking-tastic but remember that my shades makes everything appear to be closer. I landed and almost broke my fucking ankle! I fell and almost fell in the fucking pool. Those little bitches were laughing at me so I grabbed my shit and run up the stairs like a big loser!

Now your friend DeAunta who is 25 years old is now too embarrassed to walk past the pool full of 15 year old judgemental high school whores!!!!


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