Monday, July 11, 2005

My Friday Nite

So I went to Blackout on Friday, which is this traveling circuit party for black homos, and lesbos. I didn’t plan to go but my roomie talked me into it. We decided that we would dress casual and not the men too much eye candy. I started getting ready by consuming my favorite drink, which is green apple Smirnoff, cranberry-apple juice, topped off with a little 7up (I call it a purple lady and she gets me super fucked up). I wear this fitted faded blue v-neck Abercrombie Tee, my fav pair of distressed pair of faded Gap jeans with brown boots and a belt to match…super cute yea I already know. Oooooohhhh and I got my haircut that day so I thought was Naomi Campbell.Anywho, roomie and me arrive at the sound factory and the selection of good-looking men is slim to none. Whenever this happens only one thing can result. Shit will get ugly and the gurly-bois will do anything to get some dick. After chugging a Long Island I was now officially ready to compete with the rest of the tired bitches at Blackout. After shaking my ass to that new Missy Elliot song I saw him. His was standing alone and looking in my direction. I made a decision right then and there I was going to get his number and nothing would stop me.He was fine as hell, “str8” looking, and well dressed. I locked in on him and made eye contact. Then with a stroke of luck Destiny’s Child “Lose my breath” come on. This is like one of my favorite songs and my ass literally goes insane when it hears this song. With continued not stop eye contact my body gyrated up and down, back and forth, fast and slow. After one last dip to the floor I looked up but he was gone. I was frantic where had my Mr. Right Now escaped to? Then someone touched my shoulder, my heart raced as I slowly turned around. It was Mr. Right Now and he was sexy as hell. He took my hand and led my to the coat check area which is where most people go to talk because everywhere is so noisy. He said that his name was David and that he found me really attractive. I giggled, licked my lips and said that I found him attractive as well. We flirted and felt each up and flirted some more.

He asked me if I wanted to go outside and talk, I immediately said okay. As we walked to his car the conversation was good. I did most of the talking as usual but I got the feeling that that was the way he wanted it. Once we made it into his car we talked some more, made out a little bit and then he said he had something to tell me. Before he said anything he started to kiss me again and said how attractive I was. I asked him what he had to tell me. He paused and said that he had a boyfriend but he could not help the attraction he had for me. I sat in my seat thinking why the hell does this always happen to me. I thought about the situation and asked him if he could drive me back to the club. He agreed and we made our way back to the club. I told him that I enjoyed our conversation that it was nice to meet him. He asked if he could have my number so we could keep in touch. I gave him my number and told him to use it when he and boyfriend had split up.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger megasaurus said...

lose my breath: best song ever.


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