Friday, July 08, 2005

Child's Play How I Loathe You!

So I recently got Direct TV and I fucking love it! I especially enjoy watching the fake porn that Skinemax aka cinemax starts showing at like 5pm. Anywho, I was restless after watching a full hour of my favorite TV show Will & Grace and eating kettle korn. After flipping through all 300+ channels I settled on HBO, which was a huge mistake. After watching HBO for one minute I realized that I was watching Child’s Play, which in my opinion is one of the scariest fucking movies ever.

I remember the first time I watched that horrifying movie I peed a little in my pants, no lie! I was scared to sleep alone and I begged my mom and dad to let me sleep with them. Unfortunately, my parents wanted some “alone time” and my scary ass did not fit into their equation. So while my mom and dad went into their room to go knock boots and I was left alone with my imagination.

The first obstacle I faced was how to get from the Living room couch to my room without Chucky slashing my throat. After one hour of serious soul searching I decided that I would just leap off the couch and haul ass to my room. In one full sweep I jumped off the couch, leaped over the table and ran to me room. As I sat on my bed panting trying to catch my breath I realized that my battle with Chucky the eastside strangler was far from being over. I needed to change into my pajamas, brush my teeth, turn off my room light and most importantly survive through the night. I decided not to change my clothes just incase I had to live the house that night. I also decided that brushing my teeth could wait till the morning when my mom was awake. However, I cannot sleep with the light on. What was I to do? If I left my bed I would surely succumb to the evil deeds on Chucky. I was tired and I needed to sleep, I had no choice but to start crying. After I stopped crying from the massive headache I was getting I threw a shoe and turned off my light. I did not go to sleep that nite; I refused to die at such a young age.

Rewind to about 12 years later and here I am 24 years old and terrified from this fucking movie, once again. I wanted to change the channel but I was drawn in like a moth to a flame, like a bear to honey, I simply could not resist the mystical powers of Chucky. I watched the entire movie and I thought that I had overcome my childhood fear. I wish that were true. Suddenly, I had to pee like no other and I could not hold it. I was certain that if I left my bed I would most certainly fall to my death. This is coming from a “man” who has graduated from college! Anywho, I once again leaped off my bed and run for the bathroom, but this time I closed the bedroom door behind me this punk ass doll was not gonna get me…lol! After peeing I was terrified to go back into my room. I asked my roomie I could sleep with him. He replied, “Girl, I don’t like you like that”. (What the hell is that supposed to mean he should be so lucky to get some of this). Anywho I slept on the couch and I refuse to watch that fucking movie ever again as long I am short, black and deathly handsome!


At 8:45 PM, Blogger megasaurus said...

chuckie is probably one of the scariest movies of all time. dolls are scary as hell and some little piece of shit redhead doll in overalls running after my ass with a knife is my idea of hell.

i have not thought of brown rice or mississippi in about 5 years.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Lady_Sings_tha_blues said...

I'm glad someone agrees with me on the Chucky situation I thought I was going crazy!

I hadn't thought about Mississippi either. But I was walking on telegraph and I coffee shop was playing Mississippi and it brought me back. Not to mention that Muffin/Alana called me later that day out of the blue...freaky!

I read go fug yourself blog and laughed my ass off...celebrities are fugholes!

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freddie Krueger messed me up at about age 5. My dad shoulda known I didn't know what I was talkin about when I asked to watch that movie in the dark! 5 years old! Come on now exercise your parental authoriy! Anyways I slept w/ babydolls in my bed through middle school because of Freddie and used to turn off my light and run and leap into the bed b/c my bed was high up and I thought Freddie would snatch me from under it if I stood by it long enough. Still hate scary movies to this day!

P.S. good to catch up on your blogs. I was on vacation for two weeks and have been busy so I haven't been current but I'm enjoying reading up about your life. The strangest stuff happens to you!

At 3:16 PM, Blogger JP Vasellina said...

Freddie Krueger fucked me up pretty good as well. I used to hide under my covers all night b/c I had a firm belief that nothing could hurt me under there. I never really would fall asleep, but more or less pass out from lack of oxygen. Nonetheless, it scared the piss out of me until I was like 15 years old.


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